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POV: A Motion Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A motion picture is worth a thousand wordsBy Jill Bennett

I am a movie person. Always have been. Always will be. I love the way a film can hold my heart in its hands, make me grieve for fictional characters, or rejoice in the unexpected victory. The Big Lebowski and Saving Private Ryan, both released 25 years ago, are like that. I still tear up (and crack up) watching The Dude and Walter cope in the aftermath of Donny's death. Could there be a more sublime, absurd, and fantastic way to capture the zen of mindfulness than, "The Dude Abides?"

The deaths of, well, just about everyone in Saving Private Ryan render me both unable to ever again watch the final battle scene and, at the same time, heartened by the profound sense of duty and sacrifice for the sake of a single life.

Both are great films and will no doubt be around for another 25 years.

Great films—according to me, not critics—move us beyond emotion to action. Dead Man Walking was one of many movies that nurtured my sense of social justice and led me to volunteer at The Rocky Mountain Innocence Center. That experience changed my career—and life (!). I abandoned the financial services sector for work that fulfills me to my bones. (Thank you, UNA, for hiring me!)

Using my criteria, Uncharitable, is also one of the great movies of our time. It's a powerful documentary featuring Dan Pallotta* that shines a spotlight on the critical need for the public to change the way they think about giving to allow nonprofits to truly change the world.

As important as this movie is, I have a deeper hope that it will become irrelevant in 25 years. You can make that happen. Join UNA and the Utah Film Center for a free, members-only screening of Uncharitable on Wednesday, September 13 at the Salt Lake Public Library at 6:30. You'll see your stories and concerns reflected in the movie—and most importantly, you'll join your voice and story to create the change this movie demands and our world needs.

Join us on September 13 to continue this important conversation.


** You might know Dan Pallotta from his TED Talk, The way we think about charity is dead wrong. And if you don't, you really should join us at the screening.